Navajo Pearl Necklace IMG_8939.JPG

Navajo Pearl Necklace

Navajo Pearl Coin Necklace BBDD1EA9-A622-448B-B236-B767884148B1 2.jpg

Navajo Pearl Coin Necklace

Triple Navajo Pearl Coin Necklace IMG_0350.jpg

Triple Navajo Pearl Coin Necklace

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Navajo Pearl Coin Necklace

Navajo Pearl Coin necklace with White Pearls Tezza-1812.jpg

Navajo Pearl Coin necklace with White Pearls

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Nine Navajo Pearl Coin Necklace

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Navajo Pearl Safety Pin Necklace

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Large Single Navajo Pearl Necklace

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Naja Pendant Necklace

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Eagle Necklace

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Cedar Necklace

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Yucca Organic Shaped Pendant

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Thunderbird Necklace

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Cedar Disc Necklace

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Kingman Turquoise Rondelle Necklace

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Kingman Turquoise Mountain Necklace

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Squash Blossom Charm Necklace

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Bolo Tip Sleeping Beauty Necklace

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Turquoise Squash Bead Necklace

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Mixed Pearl & Turquoise Bolo Tip Necklace

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Single Bolo Tip Necklace

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Melon Bead Turquoise Necklace

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Bolo Tip Necklace

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Bolo Bead Tip Necklace

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11 Navajo Pearls on Leather Necklace

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Navajo Pearls on Leather Necklace

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Mixed Melon Bead Necklace

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Sháńdíín Necklace

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Mother Eagle Necklace

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Medicine Woman Necklace

Nizhoni Necklace DINEH_VALENTINA_04_051-crop-2.jpg
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Nizhoni Necklace

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Redrock Collar

Red Mountain Inlay Necklace _E0B8528_26.jpg
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Red Mountain Inlay Necklace

Salt Creek Necklace Dineh_Jewelry-47.jpg
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Salt Creek Necklace
